
Showing posts from March, 2018

Putin, trump and modi shaping world's future

Putin  trump and modi shaping world's future Trump's policy During his first year in office, US president Donald Trump, signed an order to stop illegal immigrations from other countries. He said keep the Americans first in America. Though it looked like a fair point but it was very crucial and very sensual topic across the world. As most of the people dream to go to US. The immigration ban was mainly targeted on the Muslim majority countries like, Chad, Iran, Syria, Lydia, Somalia and Yemen. In short the American Civil Liberties Union has called upon a ban on Muslim ban, which can have a great consequences 150 million people, and the majority belongs to Muslim. Putin's policy Valdimir Putin, clearly one of the most powerful man in the world. It was Putin who brought and hold up the Russia together for several years. The whole of Europe needs the Russian gas. Russia has good relations with most the powerful countries in the world. Though their relation with the Uni...

Science Contribution

                  Science Contribution The contribution on science in human life amd the role of science when we discusse about this questions well get different praspective from different people it will be discussed with some who is living his life in science. the people who are involved in science policys and studies they can be a person from we can get the valid answers in this ratio there are many questions comes front of us like about strategies priorities paradigm etc these questions concerns manu questions like what should be the paradigm who decide where we should give our priorities and what should be the strategies who will set the priorities and the importance construction for research and making new paradigm. there has been over the years it has been finding the new researchers activits in the United States areas. in todays world government have been attempting to direct research which can public understand easily and give the ...

Kyoto Protocol to Paris Agreement What We Achieved

     Kyoto Protocol to Paris Agreement What We                                Achieved           Every country somewhere suffer from this issue now that  paris facing climate change is the big issue that increasing day by day it increase the weather condition very rapidly that results in bad consequent climate change will hurs the world economic as its increasing by speed there are more that 170 country who spent 1 week in paris for the agreement  it came into active on 4 th novwmber 2016 there are some countries who joined after agreement  and if they joined to paris for they can not withdrawal for 3 years is acceptable that there are not any penalty for leaving the paris has been fighting with climate change since many years The major difference between Kyoto protocol and Paris agreement These were mainly small island st...

Democracy In India

                        Democracy In India          What is democracy when we heart this word people might get wrong because we don’t go into the deep about the things most of us really don’t know about the democracy then what is democracy in democracy the people are the supreme people elected candidate for the election as all are know in democracy india comes first in the world where the people are supreme where we can say its democracy. In is very diverce country with different different languages different culture and the special thing about india is in india there is no any external force to stop the citizen that is the main thing about democracy in india you will get many different type of region people have quite  emotions toward there regional values and no one can stop to follow there respected region you can be accept any region no one will stop you you can be hindi,muslim,...

Plastic Free World

                        Plastic Free World           Plastic in earlier days was the thing to carry your food, your accessories but now a days it became very big issue that has to be solve plastic contains wide range of synthetic or semi synthetic solid material that for many facture of induastial products as per people want increase the production of plastic also increased as we came to know plastic is harm full for human beaings and it is not destroyable the main chemical that used for making plastic is toxic and pose very serious chemical that is very dangerous for human beings as well as for all species also studies said that it could be harm to plants animals and human also so what is the solution for this thing now you will say we should stop using plastic  but somewhere it will become difficult for the industries those are making plastic and the worker those are working the...

Do We Need Censorship

                Do We Need Censorship                   Censorship what does it means what is the first thought that comes in mind there are some question that definitely will come in mind that do we need censorship ? lets talk about what is censorship so it a cuts and remakes of a movie mostly its used when there are some intense or sexual scence have been showen in that pertucular movie censorship removes that king of sence that cut if of from the movies they think it’s a king of support if we follow our Indian culture these kind of sence can harm the atmosphere of the society that should not be happen they think we are in the favour of public but it’s a hug loose of the creater of that movie that the creative team of the movie dedicated there whole time money dedication towards that perticulat shorts or movies and censorship very easily cut those king of sence from the movie with statement...


                            Defamation               If you google about defamation you will get much information that every single indivisual explained in different way but what we neet to get is what is the basic definition of defamation it could be a verification of false statement that will definatily out of the context that could be harm the an individual person about  any religion as every country follows there region if the statement harms any of these that is defamation.if we see the constitution defamation law so we will get the criteria should be like whatever claim is registered that must be wroung and it must made by an individual that the x person defamed. There are some more laws that such as images words that is printed there are some type of defamation  1. LIBEL – in this laws the criteria is written or rinted words picture could be there. ...