Kyoto Protocol to Paris Agreement What We Achieved

     Kyoto Protocol to Paris Agreement What We                                Achieved

          Every country somewhere suffer from this issue now that  paris facing climate change is the big issue that increasing day by day it increase the weather condition very rapidly that results in bad consequent climate change will hurs the world economic as its increasing by speed there are more that 170 country who spent 1 week in paris for the agreement  it came into active on 4th novwmber 2016 there are some countries who joined after agreement  and if they joined to paris for they can not withdrawal for 3 years is acceptable that there are not any penalty for leaving the paris has been fighting with climate change since many years The major difference between Kyoto protocol and Paris agreement These were mainly small island states like Marshall Islands, Barbados, Fiji, Tuvalu and Mauritius which are the most threatened by the impact of climate change. Somalia and Palestine were also among these 15. Countries that did not show up were about 15-20 among them, major oil producing states like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, whose economies are likely to take a substantial is that the assurance of the developing countries have come forward by submitting the pledges under the Paris agreement of reducing heat emissions. To reach these ambitious goals, appropriate financial flows, a new technology framework and an enhanced capacity building framework will be put in place, thus supporting action by developing countries and the most vulnerable countries, in line with their own objectives.


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