Do We Need Censorship

                Do We Need Censorship

                  Censorship what does it means what is the first thought that comes in mind there are some question that definitely will come in mind that do we need censorship ? lets talk about what is censorship so it a cuts and remakes of a movie mostly its used when there are some intense or sexual scence have been showen in that pertucular movie censorship removes that king of sence that cut if of from the movies they think it’s a king of support if we follow our Indian culture these kind of sence can harm the atmosphere of the society that should not be happen they think we are in the favour of public but it’s a hug loose of the creater of that movie that the creative team of the movie dedicated there whole time money dedication towards that perticulat shorts or movies and censorship very easily cut those king of sence from the movie with statement this sence could be damage our society so if this nessesary do we need censorship? Example there some some movies included 1. Lipstick under my burkha 2. Delhi belly. Kidnap and so on censorship said that if youe showing some contains that having any violence any sexual that could be effect of society or on teens but if thing getting effected it is a personal choice if he/she want to effect so they can watch PORN very easily they can watch those movie that they don’t release in india we have option you will say this will help us we I say no. censorship started in 1898 with the movie called the cheese mite in this movie censorship figure it out that is contain some insects eating some cheese contain so they cut it of this movie was banned because the contain can cause the sale of cheese it could be discrease of sale of cheese and in long term that could be affects on worker those are working in cheese factory chances of loosing the jobs. After some periods of time there are inveted some new rules in early 50s that is X rating the movie only viewed by people of the age of 16 if you see this is been killed the economy of the movie because of less audience 85% of audience were deducted but the future is changing day by day ther are thing like changing like film and games the fastest selling games grand the auto vice city this based on drucd addicted gaster who kills everyone who can destroy anything in the city this game certificated for 18 +.

In last I will put my views over censorship is matter is about cutting the sexual contains that should be affects of teens but I feel t should be happen because specially in india people don’t want discuse on such a topic that contain sex or violence if we don’t talk how we can understand the thing and how we can get the path to move on disscution must at every age level in india mostly teens don’t want to talk these king of topis front of there parents so movies can be the medium who teahes us about society because at the end the the day whatever creater team of the movie they don’t put anything from there pocket they are showing the reality what is actually is happening in the society and what you are doing you are cutting those things ya I understood it could be effect but it teaches more it could be affect in short tearm but whatever we are learning that could be help us in a long term because humans are a king of thirsty animal we want the new thing to learn.  


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