If you google about
defamation you will get much information that every single indivisual explained
in different way but what we neet to get is what is the basic definition of
defamation it could be a verification of false statement that will definatily
out of the context that could be harm the an individual person about any religion as every country follows there
region if the statement harms any of these that is defamation.if we see the
constitution defamation law so we will get the criteria should be like whatever
claim is registered that must be wroung and it must made by an individual that
the x person defamed. There are some more laws that such as images words that
is printed there are some type of defamation
1. LIBEL – in this laws the criteria is written or rinted words picture
could be there.
2. SLANDER – this law
contains the the speeches that will affect of any group or an indivisual
diverting speeches releated to any
region any harmfull statement that hurts
any region or nation. If we see in history so well get easily why we need
defamation laws like in history cases peole had not any fear about there word that were hurting any region or a
person simulteniously harmfull speeches they had given to public that resulted
us in a war the defamation laws aimed to give the equal respect to any
individual who defamed to protech him from the insult or pain that we need the
laws and the new thing thaqt introduce is defamation will get heavy punishment
under criminal law. The some truth of defamation is the defimation statement of
opinion are not actonable that could be distiguesh between fact and opinion the
mix conception mix statement will get down toward false the major barrier is
the statement is based on fact or opinion the statement could be true or false
it can be prove or false in a court. The court listen to the case that could be
true or false if the case can not proven
true or false the court will dismiss the case without going into deep to find
the facts about the case the fact must be on point the person who defamed he
could be build list of fake fact or images.
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