Loya murder case and its impact

            Impact of Loya Murder Case Current                               Discuss And Credibility 

         1 december 2014 morning, brijgopal harkishan loya was the 48 years old judge was working central bureau of investigation special court in Mumbai and died in Nagpur when he was travelling for colleagues daughters wedding he was the one of the high profile cases in the country he was hearing involving encounter killing of sohrabuddin shaikh in 2005. The case was amit shah gujurat minister of the state that he accused at the time of sohrabuddin killing he was nation president of bhartiya janata party at time of loya death everyone inclue media stated that he had died of a heart attack that was irrelevant. As every family they were in shock how it happen they had not speak to media after loyas death this was very disturbing situation that happened about loya death about his dead body everyrhing that disturb to the mind of seekers. 2014 november 30 loya called his wife from Nagpur they talked for 40 minutes over phone they were talking about there daily routine and about busy schedules there was a wedding of sapna joshis daughter he ha not attended the wedding but still he said to his wife that he attended and then he attended reception  that was the last call of loya then his family got the next in next morning. They were at different place while it happened 1 december 2014 they got the calls. His body post mortem and sended to home . as his family is not disclosing there felling front of media they said that he had chest pain then they took his to dande hospital, Nagpur they went to hospital but is was not worked so they took loya in another hospital in the city where it declared that he died.

 Amit shah had to appearing in court on 6 june 2014 but he failed to appear in court so they extended the hearing on 15 december 2014. Media only showed about his mediacal stories  no story appeared on the loyas death. Next day biyani told that shereceived call from morning of 1 december  from unknowm number to travel to gategapn that was 30 km from latur where loyas body sent the same call also informed to biyani and other family member that post martem had conducted and the reason case front of us that was heart attack according to them. If we think aout this case in deeply there are many question that raise why was the family not informed when he died  why they had not ask for post martem approval who recommended the post martem and why what was the treatment that loya got from the private hospital when he travel to Nagpur he did not visit to family for one and half month after he is death who told to his family that loya suffering from chest pain why his family did get the detailed about the treatment after he admitted in government mediacl college hospital in Nagpur  these all are the unanswered question.    


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