human evolution from monkey

          Human Evolution From Monkey 

Human its very huge topic to study or talk human evolution is a bout the origin of humans as we study we are came from Africa with the same species but when question came font of us so we started searching on how it happen so we got some fossils which came front of us as a proof. Genus homo means human contex the humans evolved around 200,000 years ago when we came to anatomy so it similar this was the reason why buffon and Linnaeus in the 18th century put them together in one family as Charles Darwin theory says we have similar structure comes from the common origin of the group with this angle we are common relation with animals as the common well know zoologist known humans are same anatomy with the great apes Huxley and Charles lye to these two main biologist showed many there are many similarity and differences between humans the relation to sex the idea of human evolution already we knows in the public related to human beings topic was most controversial topic .

top 18th century scientists the animal closest living relation of humans were it could be chimpanzees or gorillas both are in the central Africa in tropical rainforest and the most interested thing is that chimpanzees are closest to us as studies said the humans are have common relation and anatomy with African apes and with there fosils that founded in Africa human not only similar to African animals but they are great  animals. At lateth century the study said that on the basis of protins and genes in animal and with humans study showed that a man sharesz about  95 to 98% of the sturucture with chimpanzees are same this is closest relationship that any other animal the bones of the human genus back to rock strata about 2.4 million years ago the physicians agreed it could be happen with human two million year ago the homo member were having an average size of brain size still it smoller that modern humas the shape of legs hand showed that early hoo were not part of human history the feature of human and apes next to match with modern humans. About this issue or more we depended on scientist but science is not the way of getting knowledge about what is our world was the human history can be understand by different ways such as literature religious experiences we have wide religious atmosphere around us the knowledge of science could be rich but this subject beyond science which better underunderstanding how we evolved. Science is to understand natural phenomina by observing and by experimenting science works on fact base it all about observing no one will beliefs that our origin is materialstic rather than scientific observation and interpretation and experiments should  be counted science teaches the nature in better way sicence has greatly successful for explaning natural processes it not based on to understand the universe but also to major improvement of technology and science knowledge the modern life required sicence because our todays yuth is very practical we want fact, researches, experiments, before raising any issue.


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