Algerian crises

                      Algerian Crises

           Algerian crises is also well known as Algerian war of independence it was hug fighting and conflict by guerrilla warfare that after became war between different communities and within religion when the Algiers got demonstrate and other city is pointed to be independence they startd to negotitation with the F.L.N. ( National Liberation Front ) they had taken a voting for independence and algeria where 99.72 voted for independence and just 0.28% against of freedom. The main benefit of having French military was they having more security for farmers and citizens there are few French Algeria those wanted to stop this planned independence by bombing . in 1962 the europeans algerians  came in fear of the FLN,s revenge there are some muslim citizen who working for french were disarmed left behind frend and Algerian authority no action could be taken against them because the governmet got surprised they had not prepared for this much refuges. After few year French was declared by the constitution of 1848 to be a part of French and it gonna devide into three part ( alger, oran, Constantine) many citizen include spanich Italians settled in Algeria. About muslim citizen however they will continue subjecting to be muslim laws they could be serve in army they may on there demand and enjot the rght of French citizen they had subjected political laws of france. There were 200 muslim demand was registered by jewish Algerians the jews living in one of the three Algerian department. Algeria is the part of france unlike all other overseas possessions acquired by franch it was consider legally pure part of france muslim and Europeans Algerians had taken part in world war 1 the rival was france FLN was playing there game while where everyone was struggle FLN wanted more attention to there struggle they decided to bring the conflict between the cities called nationwide general strike and also the planned bomb near by public areas this was the most notable war of Algerian they planned bobm include offices, public places and heart of the cities and carried out with shooting and bombing that resulted all for bad consequents.

 As they successfully applied there plans also they wanted to investigate ina terror compaign against those who asking for support forn france authority it was resulted in a huge big violrnce agaist all got stuck after the war they took survey of the citiess to they came to know the more number of died was civillians.


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